My Top 25 Movies of 2023
Sitting in cinema screens in 2023 has continued to re-enforce that it is a weird time for the industry, with huge three hundred million dollar (!) blockbusters attracting only ten or twenty people per screen on opening weekend and highly acclaimed independent movies being given no home except for a dumped VOD release. This year felt ‘tough’ being a fan of both great films and the big screen experience. Anyway, scaremongering over… it is time for me to dust off the cobwebs from my Tumblr account and post my Top 25 movies of this year, 2023. [Years 2008 through to present are available in the archive.] As always, films listed are based on their UK release date whether that’s in the cinema or on DVD, VOD etc. Which was a tough rule to stick to this year because I thoroughly enjoyed the lean and effective b-movie action horror antics of Last Voyage of the Detmer , which could’ve earned a slot on my list had its UK release not been pulled 2 weeks prior to its date due to it...